
“As sure as I am that the reality of one night, let alone that of a whole lifetime, can ever be the whole truth.”

“And no dream is ever just a dream.”

(Conversation in the movie “Eyes Wide Shut”(1999), directed by Stanley Kubrick)



Across generations, painters have been depicting lights in their pictures.


What is light? While it doesnʼt have mass, it exists in front of us obviously. Although weʼre facing it all the time, itʼs one of the most incomprehensible things. The action of recognizing phenomenon via this hazy substance has been defined as ‘to seeʼ.


For example, we hold the camera on our hands.

We try focus on the object.

Approaching closer to the focus point, the details of the object become clear in our view. To the contrary, if we increase the distance away from the correct focus point, the image would be dissolved into the pure elements of color. The fugitive (fragile) and beautiful glimmering of the worldʼs appearance we see in this process enchants our mind profoundly.


The technique of painting is nothing but capturing the light because it is the only thing which facilitate our action ‘to see’.

Both Vermeer and Rembrandt are considered painters of light. The point of arguments has been on the difference between the two kinds of lights. However, standing on the ultimate point of view, I think the things they tried to express might be the same.

By emphasizing the contrast of light and shadow, Rembrandt focuses on the most important part of the picture so that human lifeʼs sacredness and strength are highlighted dramatically.

On the other hand, Vermeer tried to reduce the contrast between light and shadow. He used diffused light from the window located on the north side of the room. The soft contrasted light illuminates the space and the canvas homogeneously so that he could recognize more colors from the objects in front of his eyes.

In summary, they used light in different ways but the only thing they tried to show on their canvases is the true appearance of things’ existence in front of us, that which is hidden behind the state we’re looking at. To capture it and show it on their canvases, they needed to control the lights skillfully. They knew how easily the world changes. They knew how the really world can only be seen only under specific circumstances of light.


After the industrial revolution, painters began to look for the reality’s new form in different ways because the value of their abilities to copy objects accurately was replaced by the technique of photography. 

The word ‘light’ focuses its meaning on the light itself as a substance. The word ‘optics’ focuses its meaning on our sense to perceive light. Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) made considerable effort to distinguish between these two meanings of light in how he expresses the magnificence of Montagne Sainte-Victoire. From several tens of his pieces working on this subject, we can see his effort to decide between expressing the mountainʼs ‘magnificence itself’ or expressing ‘how he perceived that magnificenceʼ.

Painting (art, in a broader sense) amplifies our act ‘to see’. Painting is product created through the correlation between ‘light’ and ‘optics’. Seeing art pieces helps us to perceive the world as more fragile, stronger, or different than something usual.


For more than 10 years, Iʼve been trying to establish a way to show the light itself.

If our act of drawing a painting can be defined as capturing light in some way, paintings donʼt always need to be drawn with paint materials.

In a dark room, which is just like a camera obscura, I record lights on photographic paper by giving shape and color to them. I named this method as ‘photo brush’. 

The concept of a photograph is like a phantom, ambiguous and shapeless, because every still image without motion is called ‘a photograph’ even when it is shown on a digital screen. While canvas is a specific medium for painting, any kind of medium can be used for photographs. Thatʼs why it evolved rapidly and became a part of our life. The word ‘photograph’ embodies the world of light such as illusion that Rembrandt and Vermeer had tried to perceive. The word’s origin in Greek means ‘record of the light’, which is just the method of making pictures.


In Kubrickʼs last movie “Eyes Wide Shut”, Alice remarks that a happening in a dream could be equivalent to a happening in reality.


Both are experienced as vision. A figure in the world that weʼre looking at is just an image perceived through an eye-ball and the perception itself is indistinguishable from the one which occurs when we see dreams.

‘Light’ can contain reality and dream at the same time.


I’m trying to establish the way to show the light itself.

Beauty appears on the border line between image and substance.


Akira Okamoto




(映画『Eyes Wide Shut』 監督/スタンリー・キューブリック/1999)




















よく知られているものとして「カメラ・オブスクラ(camera obscura)」がある。ラテン語で「暗い部屋」を意味し、写真=カメラの原理となるものだが、ルネサンス期それは絵を描くための装置だった。








私は写真印画紙に向かい、「光」を色彩として形として「記録」する。まっ暗い部屋のなか(camera obscura)で行うこの方法に〈photo brush=フォトブラッシュ〉と名前をつけた。直訳すれば〈写真画法〉とでもなるだろうか。




キューブリックは遺作となった映画『Eyes Wide Shut』で、現実と夢想は同価値(この映画の場合、「同罪」)であるとした。







岡本 啓